Marketing Guru

“Is the marketing funnel total bullsh*t?”

Dear LostInBetweenAwarenessAndConversion,  Sounds like you’ve got yourself an ego-inflated, tyrannical boss! If I were in your shoes, I’d be itching to change jobs. But that’s not what this column is for – I’m sure there is a career advice blog with more tips on how to spot toxic work environments before accepting a job offer....Read More

“🤖I think AI is about to take my job…”

Dear SoVeryHuman,  Well, I’m not shy about admitting that I don’t have a clue about this area. You’re asking me about an opponent I’ve never had to take on. It wouldn’t be proper for me to give you advice from the privileged confines of my yacht without freely confessing that I haven’t done much battle...Read More

“💰I distribute my budgets on auto-pilot…”

Dear SpendingMoneySemiMindlessly,  For a brief second there, I completely forgot to breathe while reading your message. You are so close to unlocking your full potential, my marketing friend! And you are totally 100% correct to scrutinize the method you’ve been using for allocating funds. Hey, props to you for going to your agency for help!...Read More

“💔I lost my audience and my bottom line is suffering”

Dear ScreamingIntoAVoid,  Ouch! That hurts. I feel your pain, buddy. Let me tell you – it’s not gonna get any better after reading my advice.  You walked right into the ‘rented land trap’ that way too many businesses fall for in this day and age. I gotta give credit to two middle-aged white dudes who...Read More

“😫 Should I be on TikTok? Do I really have to be?”

Dear A ThirtySomethingMarketingGirl, You know you’re getting old when your intern’s got more followers on social than you do. One day, on of my new hires told me about a social network I’d never even heard of and *bam*, there I was, feeling my age. But with age comes wisdom, my dear. It makes sense...Read More
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